Postcode : BS22, North Somerset

Postcodes in the BS22 sector. Covering areas such as Worle, Worlebury, Woodspring Priory, Norton, Ashcombe Park, St Georges, Wick St Lawrence, Icelton, Milton, Ebdon, Kewstoke, Bourton and North Somerset.

Postcode Area BS : Bristol

BS22 Postcode Sectors

North Somerset

BS22 Nearby Postcode Districts

BS1 BS13 BS14 BS2 BS21 BS22 BS23 BS24 BS25 BS26 BS27 BS29 BS3 BS39 BS4 BS40 BS41 BS48 BS49 BS8 BS99 CF62 CF63 CF64

Stations near to BS22

Worle Rail Station about 0.85 miles away.
Weston Milton Rail Station about 0.98 miles away.
Weston-super-Mare Rail Station about 2.14 miles away.

BS22 Schools

Mendip Green Primary School
Worle Village Primary School
Worle Community School
Mead Vale Community Primary School
Herons Moor Community Primary School
Priory Community School
Kewstoke Primary School
Ashcombe Primary School
Locking Primary School

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