Postcode : PE9 2LL, Lincolnshire

Stamford, England, United Kingdom.

PE9 2LL close to Stamford and Wothorpe.


PE9 2LL : Urbanites / Ageing urban living / Communal retirement

Local Authority South Kesteven

Primary Care Trust Lincolnshire Teaching

Ward Stamford St Mary's

Constituency Grantham and Stamford

Region East Midlands

Country England

Postcode Area PE : Peterborough

PE9 Postcode Sectors


PE9 2LL Nearby Postcode Districts

LE15 PE1 PE2 PE3 PE4 PE5 PE6 PE9

Stations near to PE9 2LL

Stamford Rail Station

PE9 2LL Schools

Stamford High School
Stamford Junior School
Stamford Endowed Schools
Stamford St Gilberts Church of England Primary School
Queen Eleanor Technology College
The Bluecoat School, Stamford
St George's Church of England Aided Primary School
The Saint Augustine's Catholic Primary School, Stamford
The Malcolm Sargent Primary School
Easton Garford Endowed CofE School

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