Postcode : NG32 1HT, Harlaxton, Lincolnshire

Swinehill, Harlaxton, Grantham.


NG32 1HT : Rural residents / Rural tenants / Rural life

Local Authority South Kesteven

Primary Care Trust Lincolnshire Teaching

Ward Belvoir

Constituency Grantham and Stamford

Region East Midlands

Country England

Postcode Area NG : Nottingham

NG32 Postcode Sectors


NG32 1HT Nearby Postcode Districts

LE14 NG12 NG13 NG31 NG32 NG33

Stations near to NG32 1HT

Grantham Rail Station about 2.47 miles away.

NG32 1HT Schools

The Harlaxton Church of England Primary School
Denton CofE School
Grantham The Walton Girls' High School

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